The J-Word
Flights, Bites and Workout Tights
The J-Word of the day: JOYRIDE
Long-Haul Without the Long-Face
When people think about traveling, they often glaze over all the technicalities and jump right to the fun stuff like sightseeing, eating, and shopping. While these things are the reason we travel in the first place, a great trip is largely defined by the planning that takes place before hand. I’ve already shared with you [...]
31 Reasons Why.
I’ve been flirting with the idea of starting a blog for some time now, but never actually went through with it until this summer. Between procrastinating, working, traveling and being reluctant to let people into my life, it has taken me forever to get my blog going. Oddly enough, I think that the delay in [...]
Breathe, Stretch, Shake.
I cannot emphasize enough how vital stretching is for your body. Most people only stretch when they know they are about to engage in strenuous activity. Stretching before working out may actually be more important than the exercises themselves, but we should be stretching daily, regardless if we plan on working out or not. Implementing [...]
Leading a fit life is something that many people struggle with, but you don’t have to be one of them. I try my best to make healthy choices with diet and exercise, and you know what, it isn’t always perfect. The thing is, perfection is not what I’m looking for-consistency is. To me, being consistent [...]
Dear Dad
Hey, Dad. It’s been one year since you left us and so much has happened. So much has happened but at times it feels as though so little has mattered. 365 days ago my life was completely flipped upside down, my heart torn from my chest and my mind…my mind is still struggling to make [...]
The KETO My Heart.
Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ve probably heard of the KETO diet. In case you haven't heard about it, let me answer some basics. Before you click off, I assure you this will not be another generic guide to keto; it will be my understanding and experience with it, and if you’re curious [...]

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